And what About Me?
I am a Professional Headshot Photographer living in Berlin. My career spans over 30 years. Therefore, I have produced publicity pictures for many actors, performers, students, young and business people. My experience has helped many professionals get the headshots they need.
For over 20 years, I was one of the lead headshot photographers for Stagecoach Theatre School and agency in the UK. As a result, I’ve taken thousands of headshots of up and coming young performers. Take a look at my Kids Headshots Gallery. where you will find a small selection.
A good portrait or headshot is essential whatever you do. From actors to a business headshot, you need an image that communicates who and what you are.
Using my experience, you can create a selection of looks that will give you the images you want. And your shots will assist you in promoting yourself in an increasingly competitive world. Whether you are aiming at the German, UK, or US Markets, we can find the right solution for you. Take a look at my Adult Headshots Gallery. where you will find a good selection of examples.
By sharing my many years of experience and expertise, I can help you create a series of images that will sell – YOU. If you start on the Packages Page, you will find all the necessary information about booking a session and what is included. Some tips and tricks will help you prepare for your session and make it relaxing and fun.
Should you wish to discuss anything, please click here CONTACT.

Ich weiss, was du denkst!!! – Warum arbeitet er in Berlin und schreibt seine Seiten nicht auf Deutsch? Das ist eine gute Frage. Meine Deutschkenntnisse sind nicht so schlecht. Aber! Mein gesprochenes Deutsch ist nicht so gut. Okay, ich bin ein dummer Englander!
Wie mein Freund sagte: Please don’t speak German it sounds like Barbed wire going through my ears! (Bitte sprechen Sie kein Deutsch, es klingt wie Stacheldraht, der durch meine Ohren geht!)
Also keine Sorge. Wir werden in Ordnung sein. Ich verspreche, dass die Resultate gut sein werden. Und Sie werden eine gute Zeit haben.
To this day, I don’t like people walking on stage not looking good. You have to look good. If you feel special about yourself then you’re going to play special.
Benny Goodman